Health Series


Basic Pranic Healing


In MCKS Pranic Healing®Level 1, you learn the basics of working with your energy aura, including learning to “scan,” or feel the energy, to “sweep,” or clean away congested energy, and to “energize,” or supplement areas in your aura that have a pranic deficiency. You begin by learning to activate the energy centers, or “chakras,” in the center of your hands. This enables you to become sensitive to prana and scan a person’s – or your own – energy field to identify blockages and then cleanse, energize and revitalize the area with new prana.

Pranic Healing®  has been taught to doctors, nurses, massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, shiatsu practitioners, and many others in the healing field. It has allowed them to heal confidently and consistently in the shortest learning time possible.These professionals find Pranic Healing®  very effective and easy to apply.

All Pranic Healing®  courses are “experiential,” which means that you learn by actually performing the techniques and exercises in class – on yourself and those around you. During class, all the principles will be explained thoroughly and you will practice the techniques (exhaustively so you will be confident in your ability to produce positive results when you finish the course.

Advanced Pranic Healing


MCKS Advanced Pranic Healing® is a specialized workshop for those who wish to become more effective healers.

In Advanced Pranic Healing®, you will learn how to utilize color prana for quicker, more effective healing results. Colored prana creates a more focused effect on the energy field and the chakras.

Here are some of the other skills taught in Advanced Pranic Healing® :

  • Advanced color healing: You’ll learn to use the right proportion, color combinations and degree of hue of colored prana.
  • Advanced scanning: You’ll learn to interpret and assess more quickly and effectively the correction of imbalances in the energy field patterns.
  • Powerful specialized healing techniques: You’ll learn Rapid Healing of Wounds, Cellular Regeneration, Cleansing of the Internal Organs, Cleansing of the Blood and other techniques to boost the immune system.
  • High-level energetic methods of enhancing the body’s innate healing ability: You’ll learn techniques for working on AIDS, cancer, stroke, diabetes, kundalini syndrome (a state in which the aura is over-energized due to meditation or other excessive energy-development practices) and other severe ailments.
  • Instructive healing: You’ll learn to help accelerate healing and recovery by influencing and reprogramming the consciousness of diseased cells and organs.


Pranic Psychotherapy


Pranic Psychotherapy® is the application of Pranic Healing® techniques to healing and alleviating emotional and mental imbalances. Negative emotions and traumatic experiences are essentially negative thought forms and emotional energies lodged in the aura and in the critical energy centers. These energies are often difficult to release,requiring months or even years of traditional psychotherapy to experience any improvement. Pranic Psychotherapy®, however, offers you the ability to quickly and safely release these crippling energetic patterns.

In Pranic Psychotherapy®, you will learn advanced energetic extraction techniques on the affected chakras so phobias, compulsions and addictions can be alleviated in a very short time. But perhaps most important, Pranic Psychotherapy® can be carried out without the patient having to reveal any potentially embarrassing personal information. It is not uncommon that in just the first session, a phobia is 70-90 percent gone. In fact, during class time we encourage the students to do their best to completely remove real-life emotional issues that their partners have.

Some of what you will learn:

  • Extraction and disintegration of negative energies and patterns to dramatically accelerate the healing process.
  • Techniques for Compulsive Behaviors, Phobias, and Addictions like alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, food addictions and depression (physical and emotional), and more.
  • Special techniques to extract and neutralize the effects of Psychic Attacks and Intrusions (this works in conjunction with Pranic Psychic Self Defense)
  • Self-healing for tension, irritability, grief and anxiety.
  • Repairing damaged or cracked protective webs in the charkas to prevent future intrusions.
  • Purging negative programming acquired during childhood that could be holding you back from success.
  • Healing the effects of psychic attacks that can cause anxiety attacks, irritability, bad luck or even financial ruin.
  • Removing the negative influences (e.g., envy, jealousy, anger, etc.) of other people around you.


Pranic Crystal Healing


In Pranic Crystal Healing® you will learn how to harness the power of one of Mother Earth’s precious gifts, crystals and gem stones, which you can use to enhance your healing ability, spirituality and prosperity.

Among the topics covered:

  • Increasing your healing power by 200 times or more by using special crystals.
  • Extracting negative emotions and diseased energies from your aura quickly and easily.
  • Creating personal barriers and shields so that you don‚t absorb your patients‚ diseased energies when healing.
  • Consecrating crystals to make them more powerful by 1000 percent or more.
  • Consecrating rings, pendants and jewelry to attract good health and prosperity for your loved ones and business associates.
  • Using crystals as protective amulets against psychic attacks
  • Learning which crystals and stones are appropriate for which purposes.
  • Using power rings, the secret of magicians and master healers, for power, healing and prosperity.
  • Using the colored pranic energies of color crystals for facilitating rapid healing.
  • Using special crystals like obsidian to absorb and divert psychic attack.
  • Learning why wearing the wrong crystals or gems could cause financial hardships.
  • Learning why wearing certain crystals or gems could draw a psychic attack to you.
  • Learning the five factors that determine the real potency of a crystal.
  • Programming crystals for healing.


Pranic Psychic Self Defense


We are swimming in a world of thought forms and emotional energies, not all of which are beneficial for us. In fact, we are constantly bombarded by negative and injurious energies. If you are not properly protected from these contaminants, you can be affected spiritually, mentally, emotional, physically and financially.

Pranic Psychic Self Defense® teaches you scientific ways of utilizing pranic energies to properly protect yourself, your belongings, surroundings and love ones. Pranic Psychic Self Defense® teaches you to protect yourself and loved ones from psychic attacks, negative intentions, malicious entities and energetic pollution.

Among the topics covered:

  • Closing the aura to prevent intrusions.
  • Understanding how psychic attacks are launched and how you can protect yourself from them.
  • Placing a protective aura around your business to ensure prosperity.
  • Utilizing holy objects for protection, empowerment and good luck.
  • Practicing advanced psychic self-defense techniques, specifically for healers.
  • Shielding your personal belongings, including your financial assets.
  • Multi-dimensional shielding for protection on the spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric and physical planes.
  • Putting remedies into place for attacks that have already penetrated your energy fields.
  • Guarding against the four critical factors that can weaken a shield.
  • Using the power of love to get an angry psychic assailant on your side.
  • Building up sufficient energy for your shield and combining the energy with visualization and intent for optimum protection.
  • Using the ancient Magic Circles Ritual to receive comprehensive protection from angels, masters and teachers.
  • Protecting your business and finances from envious competitors and their negative vibes.
  • Safeguarding your children’s precious and innocent consciousness from preying entities of drugs and negative programming from peers.
  • Scanning the strength and integrity of your shields so that you know they‚re in place and working.
  • Experience inner peace and calmness in the midst of a chaotic work or home environment.
  • Stopping “psychic vampires” from draining your precious life force.
  • Learning why the traditional bubble of white light does not hold up in the real world of psychic warfare, and why the PRANIC PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENSE shield is more effective.
  • Learning why improper shielding could cause a person to think he or she is under psychic attack by nobody else but themselves.
  • Learning what causes “bad luck” and changing it to GOOD FORTUNE.